The awe and intimidation of this position was strong! This was a complete first for me!
The tables of images that spread out as I walked into that room, was overwhelming!
It was such a fantastic day! I'm so grateful for this opportunity!
"There was a fierce debate in some categories, as ARTA members submitted exquisite images once again. After the dust settled, the winners and honorable mentions were chosen." - ARTA Article
As we dove back and forth in the first few, we both tiptoed around the subjects, the questions, then before we knew it. Words and questions were flying! It was such a fantastic experience, diving into the world of so many individuals that have such depths of talent - all with similar pieces of equipment! It continues to amaze me daily what we are all capable of if we spread our wings and take trust in our intuitions, creativity and that ever loving eye for imagination! Endless!
Thank you ARTA for the invitation to Judge this contest! It was a fabulous adventure, jumping into each of those images and sharing in their journeys and experiences!
Full ARTA 2022 Photo Contest Article
I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to an extraordinary couple who have journeyed through the highs and lows of marriage, parenthood, careers, and all the adventures that life has thrown their way. Through their love they help me share a unique pause on part of my process versus the outcome of their love that we were able to capture!
One Image - eight looks! And that is just the edge of the waters haha
Being a creative, having the trust of our clients to put our imagination to the test, is always a gamble. As we are all so very very different, our views, our tastes, our processes, our systems, our personalities, the end results and more ... BUT any which way we go about things - magic is created!
Those above and these below are some of the reasons I love Photography so much!
We're Back!! Olde Back Roads & Korena Paradis Photography are hosting another Pre Christmas Photoshoot on Wednesday August 24, 2022 from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm! Our Charity of choice is Tri Region Pay Forward Kindness (Society) (PFK).
PFK was founded in 2014 by a group of caring moms seeing the need for our communities unsheltered. PFK supports the daily struggles of our communities unsheltered: helping with shower passes, restaurant gift cards, shelter options, additions and recovery programs. They provide a non judgmental, caring safe environment and in their words: "meeting people where they are at".
Now here's where you come in! You're able to get some early Christmas photos done and support our cause, helping someone rise above addictions and homelessness. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to PFK! Another PFK quote is "everyone is someone's someone".
This day of Photosessions is dedicated in loving memory of Jacob Cook forever 31
and never forgotten.
Addiction is giving up everything for one thing!
Recovery is giving up one thing for everything!
Tri Region Pay Forward Kindness (Society)
Further details of the booking process:
We are asking for a minimum of $25 donation to reserve your spot, if you would like to donate anything over & above that, please put it on the "tip" option in the system, or bring your extra money to donate (cash/etransfer) on the day of the photo sessions as well (Aug 24). We all appreciate the kindness you are offering by supporting this event!
Who: All Y'all! Your Pets, Family, Children, whomever wants to be in the photo!
What: Christmas in August Photo Sessions ~ Wear your Christmas Dresses & Fancy Shorts for some Christmas Card Photos done super early! Or just be your awesome casual and comfy self too!
Where: Olde back Roads Event Venue Location - just a smidge south of Stony Plain
When: Wednesday evening August 24, 2022 / 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm / 10 mins appointments
Why: To help send some financial love to PFK in memory of Jacob Cook & Receive some Gorgeous Digital Images in return!
With big huge THANKS from us all at; P.F.K., Olde Back Roads & Korena Paradis Photography!
Refund/No show policy; Due to the nature of this being a fundraiser solely for P.F.K., we won't be issuing any refunds or reshoots, the money that books your spot is considered a donation that we are grateful for. Please try your best to be able to attend as there are no cancellations. Thank you for your understanding, as there is a lot of time and energy that is helping make this a wonderful event for a fantastic non-profit organization. Cheers!
Please book your time HERE!
Christmas in Aug 2022 (Facebook Cover)
THANK Y'ALL for your support, from all of us at;
P.F.K., Olde Back Roads & Korena Paradis Photography!
How many of you have heard of this event? Before this, not I. Am I sad for that, HECK YES, FOMO big time! Earlier in that week, before this event was to be held - I was tagged on a social media post, do I want to photograph this event. Now knowing what all is involved - I couldn't have even imagined it without!!! AND! Did you know that Femsport is celebrating their 20th Year this year!! How amazing is that!!! Whoop Whoop Congratulations Femsport & Crew!!
However, I'm always up to try something new, and especially when it's related to the health and fitness industry (it pretty much saved my life)!! Soooooo in I went, jumped feet first, no looking, no nothing, just jumped hahahaha!! No seriously, it was a wild few days, then the researching in me overthought everything! Except - sun protection for my eyes hahaha. I was hydrated, stretched (thanks to the Massage Queens @Body Renewal prior and after the event!) and so forth! But, the eye thing didn't take effect until late in the day/next day, so that was okay, and here I am today still great vision, so all is great!
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022Gathering the Volunteers for the first event of the day! Photo - 74
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022The Volunteers for the first event of the day! Photo - 2
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022The Announcer prepping the mic system!
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022The Volunteers prepping the course for the first event of the day!
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022Nancy & Teammate testing out a piece of the first course of the day!
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022Volunteers setting the tire course!
Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022Volunteers in the Boxing Club's Van that is a part of the first course of the day!
Now, onto the event ... When I got there, I was in awe. The Organizer Nancy, wasn't kidding when she mentioned big tire flipping, box jumps, kettle bell carry and the list goes on. These ladies have been training hard! Some of their Trainers were even present with them that day, cheering them on, yelling words of inspirations and motivations when needed, and the team work - the high fives - the tears - the laughs - the cries of joy - the cries of pain during injury and triumph - sounds and visions I won't ever forget.
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Watching and knowing what the human body is capable of doing is pure wonderment and awe! What us humans will do for competition, for our own boundaries, for our children, for our partners, and most of all - for ourselves.
As I got to chat with a few of the ladies that day, and since the event: I hold a torch for y'all. Not only did you put yourself through that training process (I can't even imagine), but also the focus and vulnerability, the strength, courage and bravery all you ladies exhibited that day will forever be remembered!
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Femsport Spruce Grove July 9, 2022My Kiddo & I at our First Femsport Event!
I am grateful for the turn of events that week, I'm sorry for the stress that happened prior, but for the opportunity for myself to be a part of something so amazing and phenomenal - I am truly grateful for it! And the second best part of the day - one of my daughters got to experience it along side me, she was tending to my booth for me while I was jogging around shooting the event. Super grateful!
As I reminisce of this day, I am already looking forward to next years event, I for one am already signed up - to Photograph it that is! haha, I'll leave the heavy lifting up to y'all!! Thanks you Proud Strong Ladies for being so phenomenal!!!!
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Femsport Event July 9, 2022Some of the Winners from the Femsport Spruce Grove Event
Big thanks to FEMSPORT for putting this together, along with The Gym in Spruce Grove and The Boxing Club in Spruce Grove.
Oh No! Oh No!! Oh No!!! I need to also be sure to include these amazing, fantastic Companies and Representatives that were also there that day!!!
SUPPLEMENT KING - Booth and Product Sponsor: Generous donations of prizes and swag! They are absolutely awesome! On a personal note, I love the products they offer as well as their customer service persons, the knowledge they have, the questions they help to answer based on our individual needs is fabulous!!! Thank you!
KINETIC MASSAGE & WELLNESS - Booth Sponsor and Official Athlete Practitioner!! Watching them in action that day was awesome! Seeing the happy ladies walk away after their moment on their tables was spectacular! Imagining the type of knots or muscle tightness they had ... then seeing the release, just AWEeeeeesome!! Thank you Danielle & Jessica!!
KEYLIME ATHLETIC WEAR - Booth and Product Sponsor: Generous donations of prizes and swag! The wicked clothes she had to offer in her booth was so eye catching, looked so colorful n comfy and I wanted to start working out just by looking at them haha! Thank you!
STICKY FINGERS - Mobile Food Trailer/Truck serving Fun Carnival Food! Yummy food! Haha what more to say there, thank you so much for being on hand for helping fit the quick needs in between the next fitness event and keeping all of our supporters' tummies filled to keep the shouts, cheers, claps and high fives going!! Thank you Jeannette!
Have you seen the Photos from this event?
CLICK HERE TO ORDER all the digitals.
I've always wanted to be unique. My opinions often vary, I beat to the tune of my own drum, quirky, different, weird, flakey, fun, smiley are some of the words that I've heard describe me. I used to get hung up about them, think in my feelings all about them, but not anymore! I realized that, those are what make me ME! And everyone being the same would make the world a boring place, and I'm not about the boring lol!
Gentle warning, it's lengthy read, I love words, telling stories, talking ... what can I say :) teehee - A different spin on this page and give some insight why you want to work with me! Or not, haha. This page tells my story; about how you and I will connect, what we could connect over, what makes me tick, some passions I have & strengths I have and some things I'm working on. With us having a great amount of Photographers around us, with a ton of fantastic talent, it makes it easier to find the right Photographer for your needs, aka the person you gel with! The question is: is that you and I?
Selfie testing out a new backdrop with my apple boxesA little more casual of a Headshot, but still pretty fabulous! Having fun in front of the camera, showing off our personalities is what a Headshot should represent. US! And how unique we are by using what props or not, represent us!
In Studio Portrait HeadshotFrom the Black background to many shades of blue, tan, white and a few others. I can help your Headshots suit your personality and Career needs.
Bella & Me editing away!My Princess Bella, aka 1 of my work partners, while I edit in my office!
Howdy! I'm Korena Paradis. I've lived in Stony Plain, AB, since I was 4 years old but my heart and hair feel like they're from the south haha, big, fluffy curls plus I love the words "Howdy & Y'all", not sure how or why that came about lol, but that's part of my uniqueness!
I am the name, the face and the creative imagination behind Korena Paradis Photography. This year, 2022, marks my 10th year in business with my Photography Company. Prior to this chapter, I was a Makeup Artist & Skincare, Anti-Aging, Beauty & nail Tech for over 17 years. When my Mom passed away in 2011, it hit home hard! She was my left hand! As I looked over the memories with her I realized I was always the one behind the camera taking photos of Her with our Kiddos, Family etc. I'm grateful for those memories, but I wish I would've had more photos WITH Her & I together. Thus igniting a fire & deep passion for Photography.
My background is in Skinology, Antiaging, Makeup and Customer Service. I've always been a cosmetic junkie for as long as I can remember. Helping people feel amazing (inside and out) no matter the stage of their life is another of my loves! Which means, I'm able to help you if you need an extra hand with some makeup tips or tricks, or just to get a bit of extra pampering for your session! I am a people pleaser at heart, but I am also learning where to have boundaries. I am that friend that you will love to hate, and hate to not have around. I am the one that will let you know "You have spinach in your teeth, toilet paper on your shoe, or such". The way my brain thinks, I can often relate to Aspergers, very black and white. Very blunt and honest, to the point, very little wishy washy ness. If I'm asking a minimal question, it relates to a larger cause, or I am seeking confirmation to the larger decision that will help you or us both! This may be in part why I get along with kiddos and animals so well. I have no ulterior motives behind my questions or decisions other than that to help make the situation greater or perhaps a surprise, teehee! And now being a new to me diagnosis of ADHD: so many things make sense now! The term neuro divergent opens up the world of awe & affirmations! Very often I have 85 tabs open in my brain, call in the squirrels and try to get the duckies in a row, and then we all end up at the same forestry pond with a beautiful park and have a blast! Haha, I can very much relate to a Siberian Husky puppies. They are cute and cuddly, love to love, but love to work and get things done! And when they get bored they dig holes, jump fences and run run run! Meaning I have more than a few interests and hobbies and creative outlets than I can count or that time allows me to complete!! hahaha!
Family PortraitMy awesome Fam Jam on an amazing trip to Jasper, AB. Want your family portraits in the mountains? SURE, Let's go!! Have camera, will travel!
This is our Fam Jam above, minus the fur babies of course! I've been married for 24 years now to my soulmate. He has worked out of town in and around the oilfields for 21 of those years. Just last year though, he changed careers to be home every night. It's a whole new world for us all now! This means, I understand the need for short term appointments 'cuz "omg he's on his way home, can we get an appointment?", rescheduling everyday life because "Dad is home!! Yahoo!" and the flexibility to get a ton of stuff accomplished in a short amount of time, "because Dad's only home for 4 days". Meaning, I fully understand when there is a last minute need for a booking, or the opposite; a postponement due to being called out of town.
A result of that longstanding love is three phenomenal kiddos that are the joy in of our eyes! One has moved back home til her next adventure (So proud of her!), has a hankering for the creative world too (Car Photographer & love of All things Automotive)! The other Two, one now in high school and the youngest in his last year of elementary school, both kiddos love their gaming systems, jokes n laughing, sports, spending time with their friends doin all the things lol! All of us are into sports (Cheers to all you Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball & Soccer Momma's!), technically, any sports we play & love! To wrap up our fam jam below is our fur babies plus: 14 year old Bella (shown above on my desk chair), two sibling kittens 8 months old: Chippy & Whiskers and an Axoltyl named Neptune. Neat randomness: I used to Breed Betta fishes, hahaha!
Princess BellaPrincess Bella, she's aging backwards since we got the kittens and we're loving every minute of it!
ChippyKitten #1 Chippy; smarter than a whip with his Maine Coon genetics, constantly keeping us on our toes throughout the house and now every time the door opens haha!
WhiskersKitten #2 Whiskers; sister to Chippy, she too is smarter than a whip with her Maine Coon genetics! And with her agility, speed and determination makes her almost invincible to our other cats! haha!
Neptune the AxolotlOur Daughters Pet Neptune; muchly reminds me of Toothless; the Night Fury on how to Train Your Dragon cartoon series. He has taught us a lot in the aquatic world, and when he grins, it is just adorable!
Me Modelling for Starklife PhotographySunset. Self Care. Fun. Friends. Gorgeous Dress. Princess for a Moment. Need I say more?
This gorgeous modelling photo of me is from one of my Photographer Friends from Edmonton, Niki @ Starklife Boudoir Photography. Ummmmm HELLO! Sunset + Beautiful Dress + Amazing Friend whom took the photo + Super Boss Babe Vibes lol! Plus, this is also what I strive to do, help others and have fun! This photo above & the pose: makes me feel like a majestic model, in the gorgeous sunset on a stunning summer evening; even though that night - I wasn't feeling the greatest and modelling wasn't what I "wanted" to do that night. BUT, the temperature was just right, the dress felt phenomenal, my hair and makeup were rocking my confidence; my soul, was in complete peace. The laughs Niki and I had, making me try tons of poses and dress tosses and arching of my back, just more giggles.
Having fun in life is what it is all about! Loving the ride along the journey! Remembering why we are doing what we are! The experiences we have day to day is what makes life so meaningful and important. And when I look back on this one little image taken in one blink of an eye, it helps me reconnect and strengthen on so many levels. THIS IS WHAT I STRIVE TO DO FOR OTHERS! Providing them with the experiences in life through my photo sessions, to reconnect and strengthen those family & love bonds that tie y'all together!
I question everything in life. I want to know why. That's all. Just, Why? Not sure why, I just do. I want to learn, I want to expand my knowledge!! Like a toddler learning in life: Why? Why? Why? Why? hahah Yes, that is me. Sure, it's not always in one repeated phrase, lol, but I definitely ask a TON of questions! Some may find me "a lot", and some love it because I am a researcher! I want to help find the best location, clothing, style of hair, setting, theme, time of the year, weather, and so on! I thrive matching people to our photo session locations and creations! (Yes, the ADHD in me makes sense now fully lol!) Sharing some of my beliefs that make me Me!
I believe that all parents of kiddos should be in photos, the kiddos need to know how much we love them always!
I believe we have photos so we can look back and remember the emotions, the fragrances and all the moments in time!
I love when I help those that don't want to take the photo - we take it, to try just one - then they love it and have a whole new perspective!
I love when Dad's or Mom's aren't sure, they let go & relax, then we all get giggling and laughing & the true connections come out! The Love Cup fills up!
I love wide & far, and I have strong passions.
I love emojis; hearts, the smiley face with the hearts, allllllllllllll the hearts!!!
I love all plants and all things Momma Nature makes! She is magical in her creations right down to our daily blessings of sunrises and sets, two of my favorite times of every day. Being grateful to wake daily and view them both is a precious gift.
I love exclamation marks, 'cause I like enthusiasm!!!! haha
I am a wee bit competitive, okay more than a bit. But it's all healthy & in good fun! Ha ha
I am quick to say I'm sorry, yup, a true Canadian. But also because I don't like seeing people hurting.
I love hugs, love giving hugs, love saying goodbye with hugs!
I love love, and I love to be able to help others reconnect that love, be it past or on the horizon, or help you showcase it in ways you didn't know you knew what to do.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, lol!
I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm mad. I think I may be an empath hahaha!
I have a ton of allergies, BUT I'm a die hard foodie - I love food hahaha, nothing else to say there!
I love water, electrolytes, amino acids and all things healthy! I often will nag people "to drink more water!"
I love tea, used to love coffee & spirits, I have since quit them both, but that's okay! Health comes first!
I love to dance, but I have no rhythm, hahaha! Does that stop me you ask? NOPE!!! Then we laugh some more!
I can laugh at myself, I can admit when I'm wrong, I almost don't get embarrassed anymore. I am a goofball! You betcha!
I love music, podcasts, Netflix - oh my!! Don't even get me started on the amount of shows that have played in the background while I've edited!
I have strong opinions, but I also believe everyone has their own thoughts, and what's good for me, may not be for you.
I am 100% body positive! Every body is beautiful, unique, amazing and is phenomenal, and we need to be more kind & gentle to them!
I am gender positive, respect and support all persons of the LGBTQIA+ community, welcoming your individuality!
I believe in prayer, to whomever you feel comfortable with praying to.
I believe in asking when you are unsure. Having compassion for those that don't understand and always give a helping hand.
I believe that what you do unto others they should return the favor. Always try to do your best and help out!
I believe we create our world, the choices you make reflect the life you want to live - be happy, live happy!
I believe in building others up, sharing kindness, peace and love.
I believe in believing! I believe in faith, second chances and reunions!
I believe in trusting your struggle! You were meant to be on the path you're on! Trust the process!
I love words and sharing, caring and loving!
I believe in taking the photos, cause time doesn't stay still, moments fade, but memories can live on in a photograph!
I believe in adventures and living without regret!
----> insert red heart emojis here please ;) <----
Now that you know a little bit about me ... it's your turn to share! BOOK NOW!
Learn. Love. Listen. Laugh. Cherish. Compassion. Courage. Strength. Love for Them!
The road to the unknown.After a Beautiful backyard wedding, mother nature blessed me with this setting. Photo taken by Me, Korena Paradis Photography.
Even in the storm or just after, a rainbow will find a way to shine through! The open road lies ahead, what path do we choose? Adventure awaits!
Please note: I was modelling n the Beautiful Ivory Reclamation Dress Images for the wonderful Niki @ Starklife Photography! The rest of the photos were taken by Myself including my Family Portait in Jasper, all of the Selfies at the top and the landscape images.
Thank you for being here :)
Travelling Red Dress Creative Project @Korena Paradis Photography
We often hear of those in the Art Industry as "Creatives".
What we don't often hear publicized is how tricky and challenging it is to be a "Creative".
We are beings that give of ourselves to others. Period. Often we give more than we have available. That's the thing though. We just keep giving. Not for any reason, other than, it's in our genes. We see a need, we fill that need. Yes, this quite often leads to burn out or exhaustion quickly. "Burning the candle at both ends so to speak". This is why so many of us shelter ourselves and often feel isolated, yet the desire for outside connections. A very tricky and delicate balance.
Enter in: another avenue of photography. Creative Projects. Being able to create photo shoots and themes based on what I want to see happen, or what I feel is needed within my soul at the time. Is a phenomenal, yet overwhelming, yet spectacular feeling and adventure ever! Revamping, Relaunching, Renewing one's inner fire and passion!
This was my first ever creative shoot! Overwhelming is an understatement! What to do? Who to get? What theme? Why? Where? and the list goes on...
Since I am also a person whom loves to strive for that dreaded word "perfect". It's a word that we all know, grew up with, haunts us, yet we continue to use it daily. As long as you relax on it's meaning, it's a perfect word. Teehee. But really, if you are able to go with the flow and be okay with the results - you'll be great! Also realizing the amount of effort you expel ... will give you your results.
Anyways ... squirrel! Haha onto the Edmonton & Area Travelling Red Dress Creative Project! The theme of these sessions were individual. The models, not models by the trade/beauty industry standards. They were real life beautiful ladies in my life, that model balance and power, and strength, and that have made an impact on this chapter of my life. I wanted to be able to showcase them, and help them step into a bit of a different scene than that they normally would've on their own. Was everything picturesque and perfect, in my world it sure was! Do you know Murphy? Like "Murphy's Law", well, that was all of this and more!
We had time crunches (like 10 mins to complete the WHOLE SHOOT!), we had -40 C snowing temperatures, we had blizzards, we had cold hands/feet/blue lips, we had kids, children, toddlers, babysitters, "MOM, help me", "Mom, I want to be in the photos", "MOMMMMMMMM", then there was my phone calls of emergencies too! hahaha, BUT WE GOT THE SHOT!
What does The Travelling Red Dress mean to Me?
A Challenge Accepted - Here hold my proverbial beer!
1. I have always hated the color red.
Why? No idea, could be "Aunt Flow", as we all know how much we dislike that one time of the month ... not sure. This pushed me out of that comfort zone firstly. Why? Being the color alone - I had 5 different ladies wear it. The color looked amazing on all of them! That in itself was an eye opener.
Travelling Red Dress Creative Project @Korena Paradis Photography
2. How did the dress make everyone feel?
To each person, the dress represented something different:
* It was nice & flowy with a romantic boho vibe!
* It was a weird shape versus our own body style.
* What the F is this? This won't fit me? This is weird fabric!
* It made me feel pretty, and sensual.
* It flattered me in a way I haven't felt in a long time.
* It hugged my curves ever so!
* Showed more skin than I want to show, Ack!
Travelling Red Dress Creative Project @Korena Paradis Photography
3. Would you do this again? In a heart beat! I loved the force out of my zone, it was an awesome shake up creatively! To take one style of dress, and not only put it on a bunch of different styles of women, but to also take it and wear the dress in a bunch of different styles and locations too! Is fantastic!
Travelling Red Dress Creative Project @Korena Paradis Photography
4. What is the end result from all of the ladies?
* HOLY CRAP - THAT'S ME?? (gawking at herself)
* Awe that's so cool!
* I guess the fabric isn't that weird - my goodness look at My Photos!! <3
* They turned out incredible!
* I feel amazing because of them!
* Thank you for finding a way to make me feel so comfortable!
* I just love them! Thank you!
Thank you to all of the amazing ladies in my life that helped me out of my comfort zone through this Travelling Red Dress Creative Project @Korena Paradis Photography! (Healthy Inspirations Photography at that time though)
Together we created some fantastic images, moments and memories! It turned out more Perfect than I could've imagined!!
Would you be interested in partaking in one of My Creative Projects? I do one per month and I am always looking for models, or anyone that would like to get in front of the camera as models do. Do you need experience? NOPE! You just need to have a slightly open mind, for some great creative fun (all of my visions are G rated, any that are over that limit would be specifically mentioned and casted for such with detail.)
Please contact me directly at:
]]>I've pretty much lived where I am most of my life, never straying far for long. Which is definitely bittersweet. I have a love for our hometown like no other, the people, the landmarks, the sense of community like it had as I grew up. I'm one of the neighbors on the block that knows the others names, will let you know if you forgot to close the garage door, and if Grandma needs help shoveling her walks in the winter.
Oops, off topic! Apologies, as I often "squirrel" or track off into another conversation then going back to finish the first, or maybe not. Maybe all was already said :)
I believe the Universe, God, Momma Nature and all other beings out there, helps us with our destiny. If we are willing to let them guide us, follow their leads, we will be destined for the best we can be. We just need to put in the work, be patient for the results, and learn from the experiences that help shape us.
Growing up, I was that super tall, lanky girl that was as tall as the boys, except I had a mop of curls. Yup! HUGE HAIR! Yes, I hated it, it tested me every moment of the way. Now, I adore it. I am grateful for it, and I am thankful for my mom whom told me time and time again, you will love it one day Korena. And of course, Mom was right! Along with that hair came the desire of color, and makeup and connectivity of emotions. How those all fit together in the big picture, scientifically, I have no clue. I just know in my world there is a fierce connection. One that which helps me connect with so many other persons, in an endless degree. I am also that person, that will compliment you if I see your amazing lashes in the grocery store. forward, get married, have kids, work from home, as I found a beauty supply company that was fantastic, helped me gain amazing products for my skin and my family's at a discount - It was heaven! I took that to the next level, went to school and got my Gel Nail Certification, as well as my Make Up Artist Certificate. I am a happy little clam! Then, it happened. THAT Beauty company shut down. ACK!! What to do?? Pause story.
As the years went on, through junior high and all, I always loved taking pictures. I am one of those people that have almost a hundred photo albums still from the old days, of the years gone by. All of the trips we took, the places we seen, the people and concerts we experienced, ahhhhhhh it was great! Off n on again, as our kids were growing, I would often have my camera with me, and time n time again - Korena, can you take a pic of this - or can you take our picture? Sure! Absolutely :) My heart warmed. Weddings, Graduations, Events, Birthdays, sigh, even funerals. :( Alas dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
Un-pause story...once I realized the beauty company was in fact done. It was hard. It was like I lost a member of my family, or a divorce or something of major magnitude. I couldn't believe it. It felt like a death, there was a deep sense of loss. I couldn't believe how much of my heart went to that company, the people, the products, the all! Fast forward through all the emotions and grieving processes, I now needed to find an income. What to do?
Keeping in mind, along my journey, my health has been much like a roller coaster. Ups n downs, twists n turns, loops, long, slow stretches of up hill climbs, then super speeding fast descent, followed with a JOLT of stopping, then a gentle coasting forward. YES, that has been my health. All through the beauty time of my life, to the having kids part, and now the next phase of my life. Along with inner health challenges, there was outer ones too. My spine, neck, legs all have had their share of tricky moments. I am currently awaiting assessment for surgery to see if I am able to get more "life" back into my step. I could go into great detail here, you could also start snoring. Ha ha. For real though, life has thrown a chunk of curve balls at me, speed bumps, and obstacles; as I gently assess and maneuver through, or around them, perhaps even over them, I will find a way to reach my goals.
This is how Photography came to Me. I realized that I could no longer physically do a "normal/average 9-5 job". My body and health requirements do not allow it. How can I still help my family, and my soul, and even others? Light bulb moment - Of course!! Taking photos! I love it, I am able to share my passions with others, help others see the best within themselves, while still leaning on my Beauty Industry knowledge. Knowing, understanding the hair and makeup angles, the importance healthy skin plays in photos, as well as how the photos will turn out in the end is a super awesome combo in my eyes. I am grateful for my journey, the chapters and challenges I have had.
I have learned to go with the flow. What we plan, may not happen. It may happen sooner or may be later, or not at all. Which ever be the case, it's the grand plan of the Universe. We are here to enjoy, learn, and respect it all. Sharing and loving each other as our days are not promised, they should be enjoyed as we remember them. I am big on connections, and keeping a pace that is good for everyone as moments happen too quickly sometimes we don't even realize the moment passed, or "that" happened, until we are looking back at the memories.
As you grow to know me, you will learn that my health, your health, is one that I will always gravitate towards. Whether it be your internal or physical health, emotional or your spiritual health, they are all super important. Sure, when I take photos of mud or truck events, it may seem weird about Healthy Inspirations ... however, inspiring to keep your heart and soul happy and healthy - has plenty of part in the happenings at that event. Seeing the look on your face as your machine rips past everyone in the mud race, and being able to freeze time with that photo! Or the look on the parents face, when your child is sharing the blanket with their sibling, or them looking back at you with love & adoration; those treasured moments in time, that we created together, the emotions and connections we were able to capture.
Thank you for reading along with me today and getting to know a bit about how photography came to me!
Self Portrait Fall 2019Self Portrait from my Red Dress Creative Project, the first of many projects that will be coming our way...