Christmas in July 2022Christmas in July 2022Christmas in July 2022, in support of Barrhead Animal Rescue Society (BARS)

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Celebrating Christmas in July with a Mini Photo Session at a beautiful location is awesome!

Now pair it up with a special Non-Profit Organization and you have a FABULOUS idea!!!

Announcing Christmas in July Fundraiser for B.A.R.S. - Barrhead Animal Rescue Society!

Olde Back Roads venue + Korena Paradis Photography + You = Love & Help for B.A.R.S!!

Who doesn't like to help, and super bonus: you receive digital photos of your loved ones!  Can you imagine being done your Christmas cards BEFORE Halloween this year??  That would be so fantastic!!!


Who:  All Y'all! Your Pets, Family, Children, whomever wants to be in the photo!

What:  Christmas in July Photo Session ~ Wear your Christmas Dresses & Sharp Shorts for some Christmas Card Photos done super early!

Where:  Olde back Roads Event Venue Location - just a smidge south of Stony Plain

When:  Saturday July 23, 2022 / 10:00 am - 2:00 pm / 10 mins appointments

Why:  To help send some financial love to B.A.R.S & Receive some Gorgeous Digital Images in return!


Thank you so much for sharing your love of animals and opening your hearts for this great cause!   

With big huge THANKS from us all at; B.A.R.S., Olde Back Roads & Korena Paradis Photography!

Please note:  The $20 minimum donation is to reserve your spot & send some financial love to BARS. If you would like to donate over the $20, you are welcome to bring cash, email transfer or debit/cc the day of the event.  You are also welcome to be amazing, just by helping us with your original $20 donation!  We thank y'all for all of the ways above!

Refund/No show policy; Due to the nature of this being a fundraiser solely for B.A.R.S., we won't be issuing any refunds or reshoots, the money that books your spot is considered a donation that we are grateful for.  Thank you for your understanding, as there is a lot of time and energy that is helping make this a wonderful event for a fantastic non-profit organization.  Cheers!  Thank you!


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